R: += (plus equals) and ++ (plus plus) equivalent from c++/c#/java, etc.?

R doesn't have a concept of increment operator (as for example ++ in C). However, it is not difficult to implement one yourself, for example:

inc <- function(x)
 eval.parent(substitute(x <- x + 1))

In that case you would call

x <- 10

However, it introduces function call overhead, so it's slower than typing x <- x + 1 yourself. If I'm not mistaken increment operator was introduced to make job for compiler easier, as it could convert the code to those machine language instructions directly.

Following @GregaKešpret you can make an infix operator:

`%+=%` = function(e1,e2) eval.parent(substitute(e1 <- e1 + e2))
x = 1
x %+=% 2 ; x

No, it doesn't, see: R Language Definition: Operators