Quotes in a different language (Russian)

There's rarely a need for using \selectlanguage directly; it may be useful if the document changes completely the language from some point on.


\title{Успех в Америке\\
Success in America \\[2mm]
{\large Exploring Ukrainian-American Transnationalism}



Recall that the last specified encoding and the last specified language are the default for the document. Parts of the document written in another language are to be marked with

  1. \begin{otherlanguage}{english}, which changes everything (tags included)
  2. \begin{otherlanguage*}{english}, which changes hyphenation rules, shortcuts and typographic rules
  3. \foreignlanguage{english}{text} for small parts, but it's mostly equivalent to the otherlanguage* environment
  4. \begin{hyphenrules}{english}, which only changes the hyphenation rules (and is not useful for your purposes).

As you see from the picture, the date is in Russian, which is defined as the base language.

enter image description here

