Question Mark Without a Dot

EDITED to work with all sizes of a given font. EDITED to take hooy's suggestion of calling it \?.

\def\?{\setbox0=\hbox{?}\raisebox{.2\ht0}{\clipbox{0pt .2\ht0 0pt -.1\ht0}{?}}}
Is this is a test\? of something?

\Huge ?\?

enter image description here

For example, you can remove the dot by white rectangle with height of dot.

\input opmac

   #1\kern-\wd1{\localcolor\White \vrule height\ht0 width\wd1}}

Aha \nodot? next text?


Edit I don't understand why my answer is ignored here. The question was not LaTeX specific so my answer didn't use LaTeX.

I show second solution using only \pdfliteral (i.e. without any packages, without trimclip). The clipping path is calculated.

{\lccode`\?=`\p \lccode`\!=`\t  \lowercase{\gdef\ignorept#1?!{#1}}}
\def\nopt#1,{\expandafter\ignorept\the#1 }

   \pdfliteral{q 0.9963 0 0 .9963 0 0 cm 
                 0 \nopt\ht0, \nopt\wd1, \nopt\ht1, re W n}%

Aha\nodot? next text?

The idea of clipping is good; it's not necessary to guess, since we can use the height of the period for deciding how much to clip.

In order to take care of the overshoots, it's necessary to work a bit harder: the clipping is done 10% higher than the period and the bounding box is similarly increased by 10% at the top.

The bounding box is then reset using a phantom, because the clipped question mark is made into having height and depth zero.


      \clipbox*{{-.1\wd2} {1.1\ht0} {1.1\width} {1.1\height}}{?}%



\Huge ?\?




enter image description here

