Qml timer not triggered in the right interval

The QML Timer element is synchronized with the animation timer. Since the animation timer is usually set to 60fps, the resolution of Timer will be at best 16ms. You should also note that in Qt Quick 2 the animation timer is synced to the screen refresh (while in Qt Quick 1 it is hard-coded to 16ms). So when your app runs in background i think the refreshing is stopped and consequently your timer which is synced to screen refresh will stop working properly.

If you want to show elapsed time using a timer as you did is not a good idea because it is not precise. You can use javascript Date() function like:

import QtQuick 2.0

Item  {
    id: root
    width: 200; height: 230

    property double startTime: 0
    property int secondsElapsed: 0

    function restartCounter()  {

            root.startTime = 0;


    function timeChanged()  {
            root.startTime = new Date().getTime(); //returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z);
        var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
        root.secondsElapsed = (currentTime-startTime)/1000;

    Timer  {
        id: elapsedTimer
        interval: 1000;
        running: true;
        repeat: true;
        onTriggered: root.timeChanged()

    Text {
        id: counterText
        text: root.secondsElapsed