Python - Using regex to find multiple matches and print them out

Using regexes for this purpose is the wrong approach. Since you are using python you have a really awesome library available to extract parts from HTML documents: BeautifulSoup.

Do not use regular expressions to parse HTML.

But if you ever need to find all regexp matches in a string, use the findall function.

import re
line = 'bla bla bla<form>Form 1</form> some text...<form>Form 2</form> more text?'
matches = re.findall('<form>(.*?)</form>', line, re.DOTALL)

# Output: ['Form 1', 'Form 2']

Instead of using use re.findall it will return you all matches in a List. Or you could also use re.finditer (which i like most to use) it will return an Iterator Object and you can just use it to iterate over all found matches.

line = 'bla bla bla<form>Form 1</form> some text...<form>Form 2</form> more text?'
for match in re.finditer('<form>(.*?)</form>', line, re.S):


