Python Spyder reset

python doesn't search spyder in the PATH e.g.:

c:\some\dir> python some_file

Here python tries to read c:\some\dir\some_file file i.e., it looks in the current directory for some_file file.

c:\some\dir> python another_dir\some_file

Here python tries to read c:\some\dir\another_dir\some_file file i.e., it looks in the another_dir directory for some_file file.

c:\some\dir> python C:\path\to\some_file

Here python tries to read C:\path\to\some_file file i.e., it looks in the C:\path\to directory.

If documentation says run: python spyder --reset it assumes that you're in the directory where spyder script lives. It works both from the source checkout scripts directory (if you'd like to run it without installation) and from whatever directory the installation puts scripts in.

Installation process should create spyder or spyder.bat files. If spyder.bat in your PATH then you could run it as:

c:\any\dir> spyder

So instead of python spyder --reset you could try:

c:\any\dir> spyder --reset

The traceback shows that the first executed function is spyderlib.spyder.main(), source code for the spyder script confirms it, so you can run:

python -c "from spyderlib.spyder import main; main()" --reset

don't worry, it is very easy to reset the spyder. for windows 10 users, you all need to type 'spyder' in 'Cortana' then you can see in apps category something like 'reset spyder setting' just click on that and some black screen will open and your problem will be solved. now you can open your spyder.


