setup postgresql for fastapi code example

Example 1: fastapi connect Tortoise-orm postgresql database

    'connections': {
        # Dict format for connection
        'default': {
            'engine': 'tortoise.backends.asyncpg',
            'credentials': {
                'host': 'localhost',
                'port': '5432',
                'user': 'tortoise',
                'password': 'qwerty123',
                'database': 'test',
        # Using a DB_URL string
        'default': 'postgres://postgres:qwerty123@localhost:5432/events'
    'apps': {
        'models': {
            'models': ['__main__'],
            # If no default_connection specified, defaults to 'default'
            'default_connection': 'default',

Example 2: fast api postgres

from logging.config import fileConfigfrom sqlalchemy import engine_from_configfrom sqlalchemy import poolfrom alembic import context# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides# access to the values within the .ini file in use.config = context.config# Interpret the config file for Python logging.# This line sets up loggers basically.fileConfig(config.config_file_name)# add your model's MetaData object here# for 'autogenerate' support# from myapp import mymodel# target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadatatarget_metadata = None