Python regex split without empty string

Don't use re.split(), use the groups() method of regex Match/SRE_Match objects.

>>> f = '000014_L_20111007T084734-20111008T023142.txt'
>>> time_info ='[LU]_(\w+)-(\w+)\.', f).groups()
>>> time_info
('20111007T084734', '20111008T023142')

You can even name the capturing groups and retrieve them in a dict, though you use groupdict() rather than groups() for that. (The regex pattern for such a case would be something like r'[LU]_(?P<groupA>\w+)-(?P<groupB>\w+)\.')

I'm no Python expert but maybe you could just remove the empty strings from your list?

str_list = re.split('^[0-9]+_[LU]_|-|\.txt$', f)
time_info = filter(None, str_list)


