python create an instance of an object code example

Example 1: class variable in python

# Class variables refer to variables that are made within a class.
# It is generated when you define the class.
# It's shared with all the instance of that class.
# Example:

class some_variable_holder(object):
    var = "This variable is created inside the class some_variable_holder()."
    def somefunc(self):
        print("Random function ran.")

thing = some_variable_holder()
another_thing = some_variable_holder()

# Both does the same thing because the same variable has been passed on from the class.

Example 2: How to make a new class in python

#Use the class function and give the class a name
#next use the def __init__() to initilaize and give it some properties.
class Fruits():
  def __init__(self, name, colour, taste): = name
    self.colour = colour
    self.taste = taste
#Now create an object by first calling the class
fruit1 = Fruits(apple, red, sweet)
#this will print the name which is apple
#this will print the colour which is red
#this will print the taste which is sweet