Python-pptx: copy slide

This is what I found on GitHub, and it works for me. I did change a couple of things for my project. You will need to import six and copy. I am using pptx-6.10

def duplicate_slide(pres, index):
    template = pres.slides[index]
        blank_slide_layout = pres.slide_layouts[12]
        blank_slide_layout = pres.slide_layouts[len(pres.slide_layouts)]

    copied_slide = pres.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout)

    for shp in template.shapes:
        el = shp.element
        newel = copy.deepcopy(el)
        copied_slide.shapes._spTree.insert_element_before(newel, 'p:extLst')

    for _, value in six.iteritems(template.part.rels):
        # Make sure we don't copy a notesSlide relation as that won't exist
        if "notesSlide" not in value.reltype:

    return copied_slide

Then you can create the copy with passing in your presentation and the slide index of your template:

copied_slide = duplicate_slide(pres, 4)

I am still working on editing the shapes from the copied slide, once I am further along in my project I can update

I wanted to present my workaround to copy slides. I use a template ppt and populate it. I know before populating the slides which slides of the template need to be copied and how often. What I then do is copying the slides and saving the new ppt with the copied slides. After saving I can open the ppt with the copied slides and use pptx to populate the slides.

import win32com.client
ppt_instance = win32com.client.Dispatch('PowerPoint.Application')
#open the powerpoint presentation headless in background
read_only = True
has_title = False
window    = False
prs ='path/ppt.pptx',read_only,has_title,window)

nr_slide = 1
insert_index = 1


#kills ppt_instance
del ppt_instance

In this case the firste slide would be copied of the presentation and inserted after the first slide of the same presentation.

Hope this helps some of you!