Python - Parameter checking with Exception Raising

You could create a decorator function and pass the expected types and (optional) ranges as parameters. Something like this:

def typecheck(types, ranges=None):
    def __f(f):
        def _f(*args, **kwargs):
            for a, t in zip(args, types):
                if not isinstance(a, t):
                    raise TypeError("Expected %s got %r" % (t, a))
            for a, r in zip(args, ranges or []):
                if r and not r[0] <= a <= r[1]:
                    raise ValueError("Should be in range %r: %r" % (r, a))
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
        return _f
    return __f

Instead of if ...: raise you could also invert the conditions and use assert, but as noted in comments those might not always be executed. You could also extend this to allow e.g. open ranges (like (0., None)) or to accept arbitrary (lambda) functions for more specific checks.


@typecheck(types=[int, float, str], ranges=[None, (0.0, 1.0), ("a", "f")])
def foo(x, y, z):
    print("called foo with ", x, y, z)
foo(10, .5, "b")  # called foo with  10 0.5 b
foo([1,2,3], .5, "b")  # TypeError: Expected <class 'int'>, got [1, 2, 3]
foo(1, 2.,"e")  # ValueError: Should be in range (0.0, 1.0): 2.0