Python Pandas: String Contains and Doesn't Contain

You're almost there, you just haven't got the syntax quite right, it should be:

df[(df.str.contains("b") == True) & (df.str.contains("a") == False)]

Another approach which might be cleaner if you have a lot of conditions to apply would to be to chain your filters together with reduce or a loop:

from functools import reduce
filters = [("a", False), ("b", True)]
reduce(lambda df, f: df[df.str.contains(f[0]) == f[1]], filters, df)
#outputs b2


>>> ts.str.contains('b') & ~ts.str.contains('a')
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
dtype: bool

or use regex:

>>> ts.str.contains('^[^a]*b[^a]*$')
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
dtype: bool