Python Pandas slice multiindex by second level index (or any other level)

Another way to slice by arbitrary level in a multi level index is to Use slice(None) with .loc[]. .loc[] will take a tuple for multi level index, using slice(None) for a level indicates that particular index is not being sliced, then pass a single item or list for the index that is being sliced. Hope it helps future readers

df.loc[ ( slice(None), [3, 4] ),  : ]

Use an indexer to slice arbitrary values in arbitrary dimensions--just pass a list with whatever the desired levels / values are for that dimension.

idx = pd.IndexSlice

           Title  Score
First Rank             
A     3     lime     80
      4     lame     70
B     3     lame    200
      4     dime    100

For reproducing the data:

from io import StringIO

First Rank Title Score
A      1    foo   100
A      2    bar   90
A      3    lime  80
A      4    lame  70
B      1    foo   400
B      2    lime  300
B      3    lame  200
B      4    dime  100
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s),
                 index_col=["First", "Rank"])