python nested classes

My version of your code, with comments:

# 1. CamelCasing for classes
class Account:
    def __init__(self):
        # 2. to refer to the inner class, you must use self.Bank
        # 3. no need to use an inner class here = self.Bank()

    class Bank:
        def __init__(self):
            self.balance = 100000

        # 4. in your original code, you had a method with the same name as 
        #    the attribute you set in the constructor. That meant that the 
        #    method was replaced with a value every time the constructor was 
        #    called. No need for a method to do a simple attribute lookup. This
        #    is Python, not Java.

        def withdraw(self, amount):
            self.balance -= amount

        def deposit(self, amount):
            self.balance += amount

a = Account()

There are several problems:

  1. You're using the name balance for both the data member and for the function.
  2. You're missing a return statement in balance().
  3. balance() operates on an instance of bank. There is no instance in here, refers to the inner class itself. is the class (not instance) since you've never created an instance of the bank on a. So if is a class, is a method bound to that class.

This works however:

class account:
    def __init__(self): =

    class bank:
        def __init__(self):
            self.balance = 100000

        def whitdraw(self, amount):
            self.balance -= amount

        def deposit(self, amount):
            self.balance += amount

a = account()

Of course, as you show working code without nested classes, It really begs the question about why you want to use nested classes for this. I would argue that the non-nested version is much cleaner.