Python - Module Not Found

If it's your root module just add it to PYTHONPATH (PyCharm usually does that)

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<root module path>

for Docker:

ENV PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:<root module path in container>"

you need a file named (two underscores on each side) in every folder in the hierarchy, so one in src/ and one in model/. This is what python looks for to know that it should access a particular folder. The files are meant to contain initialization instructions but even if you create them empty this will solve it.

All modules in Python have to have a certain directory structure. You can find details here.

Create an empty file called under the model directory, such that your directory structure would look something like that:

└── project
    └── src
        └── model

Also in your file change the import statement to the following:

from model.order import SellOrder

That should fix it

P.S.: If you are placing your model directory in some other location (not in the same directory branch), you will have to modify the python path using sys.path.


