python if is not code example

Example 1: is not none python

# To check if a variable is not None:
if x is not None:
  # Do something

Example 2: python if not

# Using "if not" is practically saying that, 'if this condition is false......'
a = False
if not a:
  print("a is False")

if a == False:
  print("a is False")

Example 3: is not in python

li = [1,2,'a','b']
if 'hello' not in li:
    print('hello is not in the list')

Example 4: python is not

result is not None

Example 5: if not python

a = False
if not a:

Example 6: python if not

today = 'Sunday'

if not today=='Sunday':
	print('Go to work.')
	print('Take rest.')