python gzipped fileinput returns binary string instead of text string

You'd have to implement your own openhook function to open the files with a codec:

import os

def hook_compressed_text(filename, mode, encoding='utf8'):
    ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
    if ext == '.gz':
        import gzip
        return, mode + 't', encoding=encoding)
    elif ext == '.bz2':
        import bz2
        return, mode + 't', encoding=encoding)
        return open(filename, mode, encoding=encoding)

Coming a bit late to the party, but wouldn't it be simpler to do this?

for line in fileinput.FileInput(files=gzipped_files, openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed):
    if isinstance(line, bytes):
        line = line.decode()