Python - Get relative path of all files and subfolders in a directory

What you are doing is perfectly right and I think should be done that way, BUT just for the sake of alternative, here is an attempt

import os

def getFiles(myFolder):
    old = os.getcwd()

    fileSet = set()

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(""):
        for f in files:
            fileSet.add(os.path.join(root, f))

    return fileSet

myFolder = "myfolder"
fileSet = set() 

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(myFolder):
    for fileName in files:
        fileSet.add( os.path.join( root[len(myFolder):], fileName ))

Use os.path.relpath(). This is exactly its intended use.

import os
root_dir = "myfolder"
file_set = set()

for dir_, _, files in os.walk(root_dir):
    for file_name in files:
        rel_dir = os.path.relpath(dir_, root_dir)
        rel_file = os.path.join(rel_dir, file_name)

Note that os.path.relpath() was added in Python 2.6 and is supported on Windows and Unix.

