Python ElementTree default namespace?

You can retrieve the default namespace with:

namespace = pom.getroot().tag.split("}")[0]+"}"

Then when you search for elements you add it to your search path:


Not an elegant solution, but it works.

NOTE: for Python 3.8+ please see this answer.

There is no straight-forward way to handle the default namespaces transparently. Assigning the empty namespace a non-empty name is a common solution, as you've already mentioned:

ns = {"mvn":""}
pom = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse("pom.xml")
print(pom.findall("mvn:version", ns))

Note that lxml.etree does not allow the use of empty namespaces explicitly. You would get:

ValueError: empty namespace prefix is not supported in ElementPath

You can though, make things simpler, by removing the default namespace definition while loading the XML input data:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
with open("pom.xml") as f:
    xmlstring =
# Remove the default namespace definition (xmlns="http://some/namespace")
xmlstring = re.sub(r'\sxmlns="[^"]+"', '', xmlstring, count=1)
pom = ET.fromstring(xmlstring) 

ElementTree in Python 3.8 allows empty string as a prefix, so you can declare:

ns = {'': ''}

and use that as the second arg in the find* methods.
