dictionary to string python code example

Example 1: convert dict to string python

my_dict = {"Hello" : True, "World" : False}

Example 2: python dict keys to string

myList = ['Tom', 'Lisa', 'Chris', 'Joe']
separator = ' and ' # note the spaces around

s = separator.join(myList)


## outputs:
## Tom and Lisa and Chris and Joe

Example 3: python get ppretty string representaiton of dictinary

from pprint import pformat

# Sufficiently large to make newline character in new format
d = {"a": {'b': [1, 2, 3]}, "c": [4, 5], 'd': {'e': {'f': [6, 7, 8]},
     'g': [9, 10]}, 'h': 11, 'i': 12}