Python: deleting a class attribute in a subclass

You don't need to delete it. Just override it.

class B(A):
   x = None

or simply don't reference it.

Or consider a different design (instance attribute?).

You can use delattr(class, field_name) to remove it from the class definition.

None of the answers had worked for me.

For example delattr(SubClass, "attrname") (or its exact equivalent, del SubClass.attrname) won't "hide" a parent method, because this is not how method resolution work. It would fail with AttributeError('attrname',) instead, as the subclass doesn't have attrname. And, of course, replacing attribute with None doesn't actually remove it.

Let's consider this base class:

class Spam(object):
    # Also try with `expect = True` and with a `@property` decorator
    def expect(self):
        return "This is pretty much expected"

I know only two only ways to subclass it, hiding the expect attribute:

  1. Using a descriptor class that raises AttributeError from __get__. On attribute lookup, there will be an exception, generally indistinguishable from a lookup failure.

    The simplest way is just declaring a property that raises AttributeError. This is essentially what @JBernardo had suggested.

    class SpanishInquisition(Spam):
        def expect(self):
            raise AttributeError("Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!")
    assert hasattr(Spam, "expect") == True
    # assert hasattr(SpanishInquisition, "expect") == False  # Fails!
    assert hasattr(SpanishInquisition(), "expect") == False

    However, this only works for instances, and not for the classes (the hasattr(SpanishInquisition, "expect") == True assertion would be broken).

    If you want all the assertions above to hold true, use this:

    class AttributeHider(object):
        def __get__(self, instance, owner):
            raise AttributeError("This is not the attribute you're looking for")
    class SpanishInquisition(Spam):
        expect = AttributeHider()
    assert hasattr(Spam, "expect") == True
    assert hasattr(SpanishInquisition, "expect") == False  # Works!
    assert hasattr(SpanishInquisition(), "expect") == False

    I believe this is the most elegant method, as the code is clear, generic and compact. Of course, one should really think twice if removing the attribute is what they really want.

  2. Overriding attribute lookup with __getattribute__ magic method. You can do this either in a subclass (or a mixin, like in the example below, as I wanted to write it just once), and that would hide attribute on the subclass instances. If you want to hide the method from the subclass as well, you need to use metaclasses.

    class ExpectMethodHider(object):
        def __getattribute__(self, name):
            if name == "expect":
                raise AttributeError("Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!")
            return super().__getattribute__(name)
    class ExpectMethodHidingMetaclass(ExpectMethodHider, type):
    # I've used Python 3.x here, thus the syntax.
    # For Python 2.x use __metaclass__ = ExpectMethodHidingMetaclass
    class SpanishInquisition(ExpectMethodHider, Spam,
    assert hasattr(Spam, "expect") == True
    assert hasattr(SpanishInquisition, "expect") == False
    assert hasattr(SpanishInquisition(), "expect") == False

    This looks worse (more verbose and less generic) than the method above, but one may consider this approach as well.

    Note, this does not work on special ("magic") methods (e.g. __len__), because those bypass __getproperty__. Check out Special Method Lookup section of the Python documentation for more details. If this is what you need to undo, just override it and call object's implementation, skipping the parent.

Needless to say, this only applies to the "new-style classes" (the ones that inherit from object), as magic methods and descriptor protocols aren't supported there. Hopefully, those are a thing of the past.

Maybe you could set x as property and raise AttributeError whenever someone try to access it.

>>> class C:
        x = 5

>>> class D(C):
        def foo(self):
             raise AttributeError
        x = property(foo)

>>> d = D()
>>> print(d.x)
File "<pyshell#17>", line 3, in foo
raise AttributeError