Python decorators count function call

The important thing to remember about decorators is that a decorator is a function that takes a function as an argument, and returns yet another function. The returned value - yet another function - is what will be called when the name of the original function is invoked.

This model can be very simple:

def my_decorator(fn):
    print("Decorator was called")
    return fn

In this case, the returned function is the same as the passed-in function. But that's usually not what you do. Usually, you return either a completely different function, or you return a function that somehow chains or wraps the original function.

In your example, which is a very common model, you have an inner function that is returned:

def helper(x):
    helper.calls += 1
    return func(x)

This inner function calls the original function (return func(x)) but it also increments the calls counter.

This inner function is being inserted as a "replacement" for whatever function is being decorated. So when your module foo.succ() function is looked up, the result is a reference to the inner helper function returned by the decorator. That function increments the call counter and then calls the originally-defined succ function.

When you decorate a function you "substitute" you're function with the wrapper.

In this example, after the decoration, when you call succ you are actually calling helper. So if you are counting calls you have to increase the helper calls.

You can check that once you decorate a function the name is binded tho the wrapper by checking the attribute __name__ of the decorated function:

def call_counter(func):
    def helper(*args, **args):
        helper.calls += 1
        return func(*args, **args)
    helper.calls = 0
    return helper

def succ(x):
    return x + 1

>>> 'helper'
>>> 2