Python and MySQL

I don't have any experience with as a web host personally.

This is just a guess, but it's common for a shared host to support Python and MySQL with the MySQLdb module (e.g., GoDaddy does this). Try the following CGI script to see if MySQLdb is installed.


module_name = 'MySQLdb'
head = '''Content-Type: text/html

%s is ''' % module_name

    print head + 'installed'
except ImportError:
    print head + 'not installed'

I uploaded it and got an internal error

Premature end of script headers

After much playing around, I found that if I had

import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import MySQLdb

It would give me a much more useful answer and say that it was not installed, you can see it yourself ->

Oddly enough, this would produce an error

import MySQLdb
import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

I looked at some of the other files I had up there and it seems that library was one of the ones I had already tried.

MySQLdb is what I have used before.

If you host is using Python version 2.5 or higher, support for sqlite3 databases is built in (sqlite allows you to have a relational database that is simply a file in your filesystem). But buyer beware, sqlite is not suited for production, so it may depend what you are trying to do with it.

Another option may be to call your host and complain, or change hosts. Honestly these days, any self respecting web host that supports python and mysql ought to have MySQLdb pre installed.

You could try setting up your own python installation using Virtual Python. Check out how to setup Django using it here. That was written a long time ago, but it shows how I got MySQLdb setup without having root access or anything like it. Once you've got the basics going, you can install any python library you want.