Python Anaconda Proxy Setup via .condarc file on Windows

On Windows 10 you need to set up additionally the domain name in the .condarc:

  - admin

show_channel_urls: true
allow_other_channels: true

  http: http://domainname\username:password@proxyserver:port
  https: http://domainname\username:password@proxyserver:port

ssl_verify: true

I had to create a .condarc file at the C:\Users\username folder.

Use copy con .condarc file if it does not exist at folder above.

File content is:

    http: http://username:[email protected]:8080
    https: https://username:[email protected]:8080

Two notes:

  • Do not use tabs, there must be space between http: and http://...
  • You might not have a username and password for the proxy. Leave out the username:password part and it will still work