Python 3 support for fabric

Current Answer which has already been done by @miso.belica

pip install -U "fabric>2.0.0"

OLD Answer (as of 2013)

From the docs:

Please note that all documentation is currently written with Python 2.5 users in mind, but with an eye for eventual Python 3.x compatibility

Or to be more specific:

eventual Python 3.x compatibility

It looks like Python3 support for fabric is a little sticky and depends upon another open source library, paramiko being compatible with python3. As of now, the master version supports python 3.

It might be worth messing around with and then building your fabric instance on top of that instead of getting it from pip.

Current advice

It seems there is already official support for Python 3.4+ in Fabric v2+ and I guess it should be preferred although there may be some incompatible changes. So in an ideal world, nobody should have this problem anymore :)

pip3 install -U "fabric>2.0"

Maintained old API in Python 3

Because some people were happy with the old API of the Fabric, there is a maintained fork supporting Python 3 called fab-classic. See also discussion in the Github issue Recreating the Fabric 1 API in Fabric 2?

The previous advice

There is Python3 port of Fabric named Fabric3 which supports Python 2.7 and 3.4+ (dropped support for Python <2.7). I use it some time as a replacement and it works for me without any issues.

pip3 install fabric3