Python 3 Get HTTP page

Using urllib.request is probably the easiest way to do this:

import urllib.request
f = urllib.request.urlopen("")

Usage built-in module "http.client"

import http.client

connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("", timeout=2)
connection.request('GET', '/2.0/repositories')
response = connection.getresponse()
print('{} {} - a response on a GET request by using "http.client"'.format(response.status, response.reason))
content ='utf-8')
print(content[:100], '...')


200 OK - a response on a GET request by using "http.client" {"pagelen": 10, "values": [{"scm": "hg", "website": "", "has_wiki": true, "name": "tweakmsg", "links ...

Usage third-party library "requests"

response = requests.get("")
print('{} {} - a response on a GET request by using "requests"'.format(response.status_code, response.reason))
content = response.content.decode('utf-8')
print(content[:100], '...')


200 OK - a response on a GET request by using "requests" {"pagelen": 10, "values": [{"scm": "hg", "website": "", "has_wiki": true, "name": "tweakmsg", "links ...

Usage built-in module "urllib.request"

response = urllib.request.urlopen("")
print('{} {} - a response on a GET request by using "urllib.request"'.format(response.status, response.reason))
content ='utf-8')
print(content[:100], '...')


200 OK - a response on a GET request by using "urllib.request" {"pagelen": 10, "values": [{"scm": "hg", "website": "", "has_wiki": true, "name": "tweakmsg", "links ...


  1. Python 3.4
  2. Result from the responses most likely will be differ only content

You can also use the requests library. I found this particularly useful because it was easier to retrieve and display the HTTP header.

import requests

source = ''

r = requests.get(source)

print('Display actual page\n')
for line in r:
    print (line.strip())

print('\nDisplay all headers\n')