Pystache without escaping (unescaped)

To prevent escaping use triple braces {{{var}}}

To prevent escaping, use triple braces, {{{URL}}} instead of double braces {{URL}}

>>> pystache.render('The URL {{{URL}}}', {'URL': ''})
u'The URL'

I've tested this on the most recent release as of today, version 0.5.4

Mustache Documentation

Since Pystache is a Mustache implementation in Python, you can use Mustache's documentation as pointers.

All variables are HTML escaped by default. If you want to return unescaped HTML, use the triple mustache: {{{name}}}.


A long time ago they've got such suggestion.

There is auxillary escape option of Renderer class initializer. This option accepts function that operates on strings. Default is cgi.escape(s, quote=True).

So when you write:

import pystache
rend = pystache.Rendered(escape=lambda s: s)

you've got unascaped values without tripple braces in template.

See docs on Rendered class