PySpark - to_date format from column

You can use a column value as a parameter without a udf using the spark-sql syntax:

Spark version 2.2 and above

from pyspark.sql.functions import expr
df.withColumn("test3",expr("to_date(value, format)")).show()
#|col_name|     value|    format|     test3|
#|       a|2018-01-01|yyyy-MM-dd|2018-01-01|
#|       b|2018-02-02|yyyy-MM-dd|2018-02-02|
#|       c|02-02-2018|dd-MM-yyyy|2018-02-02|

Or equivalently using pyspark-sql:

spark.sql("select *, to_date(value, format) as test3 from df").show() 

Spark version 1.5 and above

Older versions of spark do not support having a format argument to the to_date function, so you'll have to use unix_timestamp and from_unixtime:

from pyspark.sql.functions import expr

Or equivalently using pyspark-sql:

    "select *, cast(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(value,format)) as date) as test3 from df"

As far as I know, your problem requires some udf(user defined functions) to apply the correct format. But then inside a udf you can not directly use spark functions like to_date. So I created a little workaround in the solution. First the udf takes the python date conversion with the appropriate format from the column and converts it to an iso-format. Then another withColumn converts the iso-date to the correct format in column test3. However, you have to adapt the format in the original column to match the python dateformat strings, e.g. yyyy -> %Y, MM -> %m, ...

test_df = spark.createDataFrame([
], ("col_name","value","format"))

def map_to_date(s,format):
    return datetime.datetime.strptime(s,format).isoformat()

myudf = udf(map_to_date)



|col_name|value     |format  |test3     |
|a       |2018-01-01|%Y-%m-%d|2018-01-01|
|b       |2018-02-02|%Y-%m-%d|2018-02-02|
|c       |02-02-2018|%d-%m-%Y|2018-02-02|