Pyspark Dataframe group by filtering

First, I'll just prepare toy dataset from given above,

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
import pyspark.sql.functions as fn

df = spark.createDataFrame([[1, 'r1', 1],
 [1, 'r2', 0],
 [1, 'r2', 1],
 [2, 'r1', 1],
 [3, 'r1', 1],
 [3, 'r2', 1],
 [4, 'r1', 0],
 [5, 'r1', 1],
 [5, 'r2', 0],
 [5, 'r1', 1]], schema=['cust_id', 'req', 'req_met'])
df = df.withColumn('req_met', col("req_met").cast(IntegerType()))
df = df.withColumn('cust_id', col("cust_id").cast(IntegerType()))

I do the same thing by group by cust_id and req then count the req_met. After that, I create function to floor those requirement to just 0, 1

def floor_req(r):
    if r >= 1:
        return 1
        return 0
udf_floor_req = udf(floor_req, IntegerType())
gr = df.groupby(['cust_id', 'req'])
df_grouped = gr.agg(fn.sum(col('req_met')).alias('sum_req_met'))
df_grouped_floor = df_grouped.withColumn('sum_req_met', udf_floor_req('sum_req_met'))

Now, we can check if each customer has met all requirement by counting distinct number of requirement and total number of requirement met.

df_req = df_grouped_floor.groupby('cust_id').agg(fn.sum('sum_req_met').alias('sum_req'), 

Finally, you just have to check if two columns are equal:

df_req.filter(df_req['sum_req'] == df_req['n_req'])[['cust_id']].orderBy('cust_id').show()

 select cust_id from  
(select cust_id , MIN(sum_value) as m from 
( select cust_id,req ,sum(req_met) as sum_value from <data_frame> group by cust_id,req )
 temp group by cust_id )temp1 
where m>0 ;

This will give desired result