Pycharm Enter Key is not working

Check if Ideavim OR Vimware is running on the bottom right corner of your Pycharm window. Disable it you will be able to add a new line

Found the reason causing that. Just like to post a possible solution if anyone else is facing similar problems. It appears that my 'use block caret' box was checked.

Go to file -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> 'Use block caret' and uncheck it if it's checked.

Otherwise, it might be the issue with the keymapping. Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap, search for enter and make sure that it is mapped to enter. OR, just reset the keymap by clicking the reset button on the same page.

"Insert" button. I had the same issue with Pycharm Enter Key that didn't worked. Insert key on keyboard will solved that, just press "Insert" button on your keyboard.

I had the same issue. I figured that I had pressed the "insert" key in the keyboard by mistake. When I pressed insert again, it went back to normal. Hope this could be an easy debugging effort before going deeper as suggested above. Cheers