Putting trace on point in TikZ

As far as I can see, you could draw the line by dividing it into three cases:

    \foreach \n in {0,1,2,...,27}{
        \useasboundingbox (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);
                \draw[densely dotted] (0,-2.5) -- (0,2.5);
                    \draw (0,0) circle(1);
                    \draw (\q:1) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                \fill[black,radius=.1] (\q:1) circle;
                \fill[red,radius=.1] (0,{2.5*sin(\q)}) circle; %use 1*sin(·) …
                \draw[ultra thick,red] (0,0) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                    \draw[ultra thick,red] (0,0) -- (0,2.5);
                  \draw[ultra thick,red] (0,-2.5) -- (0,2.5);

enter image description here

THIS IS REALLY JUST FOR FUN. No competitor to @samcarter's nice answer from which most of this is stolen.

\tikzset{cat prints/.style={decorate,decoration={footprints,foot length=2pt,stride
                length=5pt,foot sep=1pt,foot of=felis silvestris},red}}
    \foreach \n in {0,1,2,...,27}{
        \useasboundingbox (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);
                \draw[densely dotted] (0,-2.5) -- (0,2.5);
                    \draw (0,0) circle(1);
                    \draw (\q:1) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                \fill[black,radius=.1] (\q:1) circle;
                \fill[red,radius=.1] (0,{2.5*sin(\q)}) circle;
                  \draw[cat prints] (0,0) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                      \draw[cat prints] (0,0) -- (0,2.5);
                      \draw[cat prints] (0,2.5cm-0.5pt) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                    \draw[cat prints] (0,0) -- (0,2.5);
                    \draw[cat prints] (0,2.5cm-0.5pt) -- (0,-2.5cm+0.5pt);
                    \draw[cat prints] (0,2.5) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});

enter image description here

UPDATE: Fading footprints. Plus duck queen. ;-)

\sbox\Duck{\tikz{\duck[crown,laughing, bill=red,longhair=black]}}
\pgfdeclaremetadecoration{fading footprints}{initial}{ \state{initial}[width=0pt, 
next state=footprint] {
    \pgfset{/pgf/decoration/foot length=\pgfmetadecorationsegmentlength/5,/pgf/decoration/stride
    /pgf/decoration/foot sep=1pt,/pgf/decoration/foot of=bird}
switch if less than=\pgfmetadecorationsegmentlength to final, 
width=\pgfmetadecorationsegmentlength/3, next state=footprint] {
\tikzset{fading cat prints/.style={decorate,decoration={fading footprints,meta-segment length=15pt}}}
\foreach \n in {0,1,2,...,35}{
        \useasboundingbox (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);
                \draw[densely dotted] (0,-2.5) -- (0,2.5);
                    \draw (0,0) circle(1);
                    \draw (\q:1) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                \fill[black,radius=.1] (\q:1) circle;
                  \draw[fading cat prints] (0,-2.5) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                      \draw[fading cat prints] (0,0) -- (0,2.5) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                      \draw[fading cat prints] (0,0) -- (0,2.5) -- (0,-2.5) -- (0,{2.5*sin(\q)});
                \node[scale=0.5] at (0,{2.5*sin(\q)}) {\usebox\Duck};

enter image description here