Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed

To definitely be able to login using https protocol, you should first set your authentication credential to the git Remote URI:

git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/user/repo.git

Then you'll be asked for a password when trying to git push.

In fact, this is on the http authentication format. You could set a password too:

https://youruser:[email protected]/user/repo.git

You should be aware that if you do this, your github password will be stored in plaintext in your .git directory, which is obviously undesirable.

I just got the same problem and just figured out what's cause.

Github seems only supports ssh way to read&write the repo, although https way also displayed 'Read&Write'.

So you need to change your repo config on your PC to ssh way:

  1. Edit .git/config file under your repo directory.
  2. Find url=entry under section [remote "origin"].
  3. Change it from:
    url=https://[email protected]/derekerdmann/lunch_call.git
    url=ssh://[email protected]/derekerdmann/lunch_call.git
    That is, change all the texts before @ symbol to ssh://git
  4. Save config file and quit. now you could use git push origin master to sync your repo on GitHub.



