.push() on Float32Array

Typed arrays are part of an involved system for dealing with raw "machine-level" data. If you just want a simple array of 32-bit floating point numbers, you can create it with a fixed length and use it somewhat like a normal array:

var f32 = new Float32Array(10);
f32[0] = 100;
alert(f32[0]); // 100

Basically a Float32Array is just a view over an ArrayBuffer object (as are all typed arrays in JS). This ArrayBuffer has a fixed length, which in turn the Float32Array inherits.

So to conclude: You just can not change the size of your Float32Array on the fly. The only possibility would be as this:

  1. Create a new array with the length of the old array + 1
  2. Copy all items of the old array over to the new array.
  3. Insert the new item as the last item in the new array.
  4. Replace all instances of the old array with the new array.

If you want to add multiple values on multiple occasions, I strongly advise against this. This completely negates any performance advantage you might gain from using typed arrays!

Typed arrays like Float32Array is designed as lower level approach which make more sense if you are familiar with dynamic memory allocation (like in C).

Here we have memory allocated (the underlying ArrayBuffer) and memory used (assigned items in typed array), which doesn't have to be the same thing in raw memory.

You can push to typed arrays like this:

(myarray = new Float32Array(myarray.length+1)).set([...myarray, appendix])

where appendix is the new item you want to push. It is not just ugly, but also very ineffective: you should predict how much the array would grow and allocate more extra space instead of just +1 (and remember how much space is left).

To make it memory effective, you could share one underlying ArrayBuffer (see examples here), just remember that every item in Float32Array takes 4 bytes in ArrayBuffer.

If you dont want to bother with this and you just want to push anytime, just stay with the old generic Array.