push in javascript array code example

Example 1: push array javascript

let array = ["A", "B"];
let variable = "what you want to add";

//Add the variable to the end of the array

//output =>
//["A", "B", "what you want to add"]

Example 2: pushing element in array in javascript

array = ["hello"]

Example 3: javascript array push

var SomeRandomArray = [];
SomeRandomArray.push("Hello, world!");

Example 4: js push array

var array = [];
var element = "anything you want in the array";
array.push(element); // array = [ "anything you want in the array" ]

Example 5: javascript array push

let animals = ["dog","cat","tiger"];

animals.pop(); // ["dog","cat"]

animals.push("elephant"); // ["dog","cat","elephant"]

Example 6: how to push items in array in javascript

let items = [1, 2, 3]
items.push(4); // items = [1, 2, 3, 4]


Misc Example