Puppet: Trying to configure puppet client for first use but got some problems with certificates

Does you client know how to find the server?

root@client# ping puppet

What certname will the client use when connecting to the server?

root@client# puppet config print certname

Remove the ssl details on the client

root@client# rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl

Remove all traces of the client on the server

root@puppet# puppet node clean $client_certname
root@puppet# puppet node deactivate $client_certname

First: On Server

puppet cert --revoke Itai-test
puppet cert --clean Itai-test

Second: On Client

rm -rf /usr/lib/puppet/ssl
puppet agent --server [puppetmaster domain name] --waitforcert 60

Third: On Server

puppet cert --list (you should see your host)
puppet cert --sign Itai-test

Also, double check that your client can reach your [puppetmaster domain name].