Public functions from within a jQuery plugin

If you do something like the following:


$.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
    // support multiple elements
    if (this.length > 1){
        this.each(function() { $(this).myPlugin(options) });
        return this;

    // private variables
    var pOne = '';
    var pTwo = '';
    // ...

    // private methods
    var foo = function() {
        // do something ...
    // ...

    // public methods        
    this.initialize = function() {
        // do something ...
        return this;
    }; = function() {
        // do something ...
    return this.initialize();

Then you can access any of your public methods:

var myPlugin = $('#id').myPlugin();;

This is taken from this very helpful article (May 2009) from which is itself an extension on this article (Oct 2007) from

Ok, i figured out how to do this:

Plugin Code:

$.ajaxIcon.init = function(element, options) {
    //your initialization code

    this.start = function() {
         //start code

    this.stop = function() {
         //stop code

$.fn.ajaxIcon = function(options) {
    this.each(function () {
        //This is where the magic happens
        jQuery(this).data('ajaxIcon', new jQuery.ajaxIcon.init(this, opts));

return this;

Then to use it somewhere else in your code:

var myIcon = $("#myId")'ajaxIcon') 
// myIcon: a reference to the 'init' object specific to this plugin instance

voila, answered my own question :)