Prove that $f$ is increasing if and only if a given inequality holds

Prove that the integral equation implies that $f$ is increasing via contraposition, viz. prove that if $f$ is not increasing then there exist $a_0$ and $b_0$ such that $$\int_{a_0}^{b_0} f(x) dx > b_0f(b_0) - a_0f(a_0).$$

Indeed, if $f$ is differentiable, not increasing and not everywhere constant, then there exists an interval $[a_0, b_0]\in\mathbb{R^+}$ such for all $x\in [a_0, b_0]$ we have that $$f(a_0)\geq f(x) \geq f(b_0)\mbox{ and } f(a_0)> f(b_0).$$ Therefore, we have that $$\int_{a_0}^{b_0} f(x) dx \geq f(b_0)(b_0 - a_0)= f(b_0)b_0 - f(b_0)a_0 > f(b_0)b_0 -f(a_0)a_0.$$