Property 'subscribe' does not exist on type 'Promise'

Following caffinatedmonkey's suggestion, I ended up with this working function:

    getPlanograms() {

    //API URL
    let requestURL = 'https://myapiurlhere';

    return Observable
        .flatMap(token =>{
            let headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
            headers.append('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
            let options = new RequestOptions({headers: headers});
            return this.http.get(requestURL, options)
                .map(response => <Planogram[]>response.json())

You could consume with .then() by changing:

ionViewDidLoad () {
        .then(Planogram => this.planograms = Planogram);

Or, you could make getPlanograms return an Observable.

getPlanograms() {   

    // API URL
    let requestURL = 'https://myapiurlhere';
    let headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});

    // this converts from promise to observable
    return Observable.fromPromise(
        .then(() =>'id_token'))
        .then((val) => {
            headers.append('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + this.authCredentials.token);
            let options = new RequestOptions({headers: headers});

            return, {}, options)

                // map converts from observable to promise
                // (returned by response.json())
                .map(response => <Planogram[]>response.json());

Now you can consume with .subscribe() as you did in the question.