Property Size is not available for database

I have resolved this by restarting the SQL Server service, unfortunately/fortunately.

My initial idea was to detach/attach the database. Not that I thought this would actually fix the problem, I just read that in a forum somewhere. This had no effect.

I regrettably did not do what PJ Mahoney suggested re: running a trace. I hope I see this issue again so I can find out if a trace reveals anything. Thanks for the suggestion.

At least answering my own question means I don't have to see another suggestion about changing the database owner ;P


I had this same error when trying to modify the file growth properties of the log file of a production database. I tried using SSMS and had the same error:

Property size is not available for XXX database.

I used T-SQL to modify the database log file instead.

USE [master]
ALTER DATABASE [MyDatabase] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'MyDatabase_log', FILEGROWTH = 524288KB )

After the command completed I was able to open the database properties in SSMS. I hope this works for others.