Proper usage of Apache HttpClient and when to close it.

For httpcomponents version 4.5.x:

I found that you really need to close the resource as shown in the documentation:

CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://targethost/homepage");
CloseableHttpResponse response1 = httpclient.execute(httpGet);

try {
    HttpEntity entity1 = response1.getEntity();
} finally {

For other versions of httpcomponents, see other answers.

For older versions of httpcomponents (

You do not need to explicitly close the HttpClient, however, (you may be doing this already but worth noting) you should ensure that connections are released after method execution.

Edit: The ClientConnectionManager within the HttpClient is going to be responsible for maintaining the state of connections.

 GetMethod httpget = new GetMethod("");
  try {
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(httpget.getResponseBodyAsStream(), httpget.getResponseCharSet()); 
    // consume the response entity and do something awesome
  } finally {