Programmatically setting column style of a matrix in TikZ

You can expand the variables by using an \edef to define a new command:




\foreach \c [count=\i] in {red, green, blue} {
            mymatrix/.append style={
                column \i/.style={

\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, mymatrix] {
 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
 5 & 6 & 8 & 8 \\ };



Jake was faster but here is something I learned from egreg in this question :


  \foreach \c [count=\i] in {red, green, blue} {
       \noexpand\gappto\noexpand\mystyle{column \i/.style={nodes={fill=\c}},}}\x


\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,mymatrix] {
 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
  5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ };

enter image description here