Programmatically get iOS device screenshot from the connected Mac computer

Check to see if there is a Applescript dictionary entry for Xcode for Organizer snapshot. If so, programmatically call or run this Applescript function.

Yes, there is a way. You want to install the free libimobiledevice library:

When it is installed, you can run idevicescreenshot from the commandline and it will save a TIFF file with a screenshot to the current directory.


I do not know how to programmatically get the screenshot off of the device and onto your Mac, but you can go into Organizer while you are running your application, select the device in the list, and under the Screenshots sub-menu, click on the New Screenshot button. You do not even have to be debugging the application, this can be done at any time.

enter image description here

One of the more useful applications of this feature is being able to capture a default screen for the launch image, or creating the images needed for the App Store sample images.