Programmatically generated/activated file input doesn't always fire `input` event

Citate from your question: Sometimes (about 1 out of 8), after selecting the file, the input event doesn't fire after choosing a file.

I can confirm this behavior with input and with change events using Opera (ver. 55.0.2994.61, newest version at this time) which uses Google Chrome browser engine "Blink". It happens about 1 out of 25.


This happens because sometimes your input element object was deleted after file dialog closing because it is not in using anymore. And when it happens you have not the target which could receive input or change event.

To solve this just add your input element somewhere to the DOM after creating as hidden object like follows: = 'none';

And then when the event was fired you can delete it like follows:


Full example

function selectFile()
    var fileInputEl = document.createElement('input');
    fileInputEl.type = 'file';
    fileInputEl.accept = 'image/*';
    //on this way you can see how many files you select (is for test only):
    fileInputEl.multiple = 'multiple'; = 'none';

    fileInputEl.addEventListener('input', function(e)
        // Handle files here...
        console.log('You have selected ' + fileInputEl.files.length + ' file(s).');

        fileInputEl.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
        console.log('Mouse Event error:\n' + e.message);
        // TODO:
        //Creating and firing synthetic events in IE/MS Edge:
<input type="button" onclick="selectFile()" value="Select file">

Citate from your bounty description: Bounty will be awarded to someone who ... show an appropriate workaround.

My old suggested workaround (now irrelevant)

We can use setInterval function to check if input value was changed. We save intervalID in our new fileInputEl as property. Because we always create a new file input element then its value is always empty on start (on each button click). And if this value was changed we can detect it when we compare it with empty string. And when it happens then we pass our fileInputEl to fileInputChanged() function and clear/stop our interval function.

function selectFile()
    var fileInputEl = document.createElement('input');
    fileInputEl.type = 'file';
    fileInputEl.accept = 'image/*';
    //on this way you can see how many files you select (is for test only):
    fileInputEl.multiple = 'multiple';

    fileInputEl.intervalID = setInterval(function()
        // because we always create a new file input element then
        // its value is always empty, but if not then it was changed:
        if(fileInputEl.value != '')
    }, 100);

        fileInputEl.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
        console.log('Mouse Event error:\n' + e.message);
        // TODO:
        //Creating and firing synthetic events in IE/MS Edge:

function fileInputChanged(obj)
    // Handle files here...
    console.log('You have selected ' + obj.files.length + ' file(s).');
<input type="button" onclick="selectFile()" value="Select file">