Programmatically disabling Chrome auto-fill

autocomplete="off" doesn't work anymore. The only thing which works as of 2019 is autocomplete="new-password"

Check this link on Chromium Project

Add an autocomplete attribute with a value of username for usernames.

If you've implemented an "email first" sign-in flow that separates the username and password into two separate forms, include a form field containing the username in the form used to collect the password. You can, of course, hide this field via CSS if that's appropriate for your layout.

Add an autocomplete attribute with a value of current-password for the password field on a sign-in form.

Add an autocomplete attribute with a value of new-password for the password field on sign-up and change-password forms.

If you require the user to type their password twice during sign-up or password update, add the new-password autocomplete attribute on both fields.

<form id="login" action="signup.php" method="post">
  <input type="text" autocomplete="new-password">
  <input type="password" autocomplete="new-password">
  <input type="submit" value="Sign Up">


Disable Chrome's autofill. Handy for CRUD forms, when you don't want username/password inputs to be autofilled by the browser.


  <input type="input" name="username" autofill="off" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="password" name="password"  autofill="off" autocomplete="off">

<script src="jquery.disable-autofill.js"></script>

You can just put autocomplete="new-password" in your password field and that's it. That should work just fine!