Production log not working

Check what value is set to

config.log_level = :warn

in your



The available log levels are: :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal.

So if you set the level to fatal only serious errors will be logged. If you set it to debug almost everything will be logged. By default in production it is set to warn. This is with good reason. As you don't want huge log files piling up on your production server for no reason.

Low memory is the most likely cause that I have been able to come up with. I will post here if I can prove it.

In my case I had the following gem rails_12factor in my Gemfile for production.

So I had to

  1. Remove rails_12factor from my Gemfile
  2. gem uninstall rails_12factor
  3. bundle install

And on the next push to production the logs worked for me. FYI: I am using rails 5.2.1, but the rails web app started in rails 3.

In my case first i added config.log_level = :debug to production.rb file then i had to create the production.log file (in the log folder), then giving appropriate permissions with chmod command.