Processing Optional Value from Mono in Project Reactor

How about:

Optional<Integer> optional = Optional.of(5);
Mono<Optional<Integer>> monoWithOptional = Mono.just(optional);
Mono<Integer> monoWithoutOptional = monoWithOptional.flatMap(Mono::justOrEmpty);

Mono have justOrEmpty method that you can use with Optional<? extends T> type. When Optional.empty() == true we would have MonoEmpty.

Create a new Mono that emits the specified item if Optional.isPresent() otherwise only emits onComplete.

Mono<String> value = Mono.justOrEmpty(someApi.asyncCall());

There is an alternative with flatMap that's a bit better than Optional.isPresent and Optional.get that can lead to accidentally calling get on empty Optional:

Mono.fromCallable(() -> someApi.asyncCall())
  .flatMap(optional ->