Problems with nested TikZpictures

I don't see why you need a separate box or a pic here. Since you are loading fit anyway, we can simply use that to contain the two nodes F0 and F1.

  \node (FF) [fit=(F0) (F1), draw=white, label={below:$\F \oplus \F$}] {};

Note that \tikzstyle is deprecated as is the <direction> of= syntax. arrows and shapes should be similarly replaced with their updated counterparts.

The first can be replaced with \tikzset:

\tikzset{% \tikzstyle is deprecated
  frame/.style={draw,ellipse,minimum height=6cm,minimum width=2cm},
  world/.style ={draw,circle,fill=black, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=3pt},

For the second, the positioning library's syntax is preferred and you're already loading it so, again, we can simply use that. For example,

  \node[frame,right=1cm of FF, xshift=3cm, label={below:$\F^{\prime}$}] (Fp){};

In place of shapes, we want shapes.geometric which provides the ellipse. The updated version of arrows is arrows.meta but you aren't using it, so I've not loaded either here.


\tikzset{% \tikzstyle is deprecated
  frame/.style={draw,ellipse,minimum height=6cm,minimum width=2cm},
  world/.style ={draw,circle,fill=black, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=3pt},
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm, transform canvas={scale=0.9}]
  \node[frame] (F0){};
  \node at ([xshift=-1em, yshift=-4em]F0.north) [world, label={70:$(w,0)$}] (w0){};
  \node at ([yshift=3em]F0.south west) [world, label={-70:$(v,0)$}] (v0){};
  \path[->] (w0) edge[bend left=10] node[right] {$\R^{0}$} (v0);

  \node[frame, right=1cm of F0] (F1){};
  \node at ([xshift=-1em, yshift=-4em]F1.north) [world, label={70:$(w,1)$}] (w1){};
  \node at ([yshift=3em]F1.south west) [world, label={-70:$(v,1)$}] (v1){};
  \path[->] (w1) edge[bend left=10] node[right] {$\R^{1}$} (v1);

  \node (FF) [fit=(F0) (F1), draw=white, label={below:$\F \oplus \F$}] {};

  \node[frame,right=1cm of FF, xshift=3cm, label={below:$\F^{\prime}$}] (Fp){};
  \node at ([yshift=-4em]Fp.north) [world, label={70:$\hat{w}$}] (w){};
  \node at ([yshift=3em]Fp.south west) [world, label={-70:$\hat{v}$}] (v){};
  \node at ([yshift=3em]Fp.north east) [world, label={70:$w^{\prime}$}] (wp){};

  \path[->] (w) edge[bend left=10] node[right] {$\R^{\prime}$}(v);

  \path[-] (wp.west) edge[bend right,draw=gray, dashed] node [below]{} (Fp.north);
  \path[-] (wp.south east) edge[bend left,draw=gray, dashed] node [below]{} (Fp.north east);

  \path[->] (w0) edge[bend left=80, dashed] node[above] {$g$}(w);
  \path[->] (w1) edge[bend left=60,dashed] node[above] {$g$}(wp);
  \path[->] (v0) edge[bend left=8,dashed] node[pos=.6,above] {$g$}(v);
  \path[->] (v1) edge[bend right=100,dashed] node[above] {$g$}(v);

fitted nodes

The following is the updated code; thanks to AJN to their response! :)

\usepackage{float, latexsym, tikz, amssymb, amsmath, amsthm, graphicx, caption}




    \tikzstyle{frame}=[draw,ellipse,minimum height=6cm,minimum width=2cm]
    \tikzstyle{world} =[draw,circle,fill=black, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=3pt]

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, node distance=3cm]
        \node[frame] (F0){};
        \node at ([xshift=-1em, yshift=-4em]F0.north) [world, label={70:$(w,0)$}] (w0){}; 
        \node at ([yshift=3em]F0.south west) [world, label={-70:$(v,0)$}] (v0){};
        \path[->] (w0) edge[bend left=10] node[right] {$\R^{0}$} (v0);

        \node[frame, right of=F0] (F1){};
        \node at ([xshift=-1em, yshift=-4em]F1.north) [world, label={70:$(w,1)$}] (w1){}; 
        \node at ([yshift=3em]F1.south west) [world, label={-70:$(v,1)$}] (v1){};
        \path[->] (w1) edge[bend left=10] node[right] {$\R^{1}$} (v1);

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, node distance=3cm]
        \node[draw=white, label={below:$\F \oplus \F$}] (FF) {\usebox\disjUn};

        \node[frame,right of=FF, xshift=3cm,label={below:$\F^{\prime}$}] (Fp){};
        \node at ([yshift=-4em]Fp.north) [world, label={70:$\hat{w}$}] (w){}; 
        \node at ([yshift=3em]Fp.south west) [world, label={-70:$\hat{v}$}] (v){};
        \node at ([yshift=3em]Fp.north east) [world, label={70:$w^{\prime}$}] (wp){};

        \path[->] (w) edge[bend left=10] node[right] {$\R^{\prime}$}(v);

        \path[-] (wp.west) edge[bend right,draw=gray, dashed] node [below]{} (Fp.north);
        \path[-] (wp.south east) edge[bend left,draw=gray, dashed] node [below]{} (Fp.north east);

        \path[->] (w0) edge[bend left=80, dashed] node[above] {$g$}(w);
        \path[->] (w1) edge[bend left=60,dashed] node[above] {$g$}(wp);
        \path[->] (v0) edge[bend left=8,dashed] node[above] {$g$}(v);
        \path[->] (v1) edge[bend right=100,dashed] node[above] {$g$}(v);

Which produces the following output:

enter image description here

Funnily enough, if you remove the 'remember picture' argument from the outer TiKz picture and compile in TexStudio with PdfLaTeX by pressing F6, the picture breaks in different ways with a cycle of length 2 LOL. Not sure how I can explain this... Will definitely require more research! :) Thanks again for everyone's assistance!


Tikz Pgf