Problems with binding to Window Height and Width

Try using two way binding, it worked for me:

Width="{Binding Path=xExt, Mode=TwoWay}"

I will try to answer my own question. The bindings are working, but we can't really be sure that the layout system asks for e.g. the Width property of the window.

From MSDN:

If this element is a child element within some other element, then setting this property to a value is really only a suggested value. The layout system as well as the particular layout logic of the parent element will use the value as a nonbinding input during the layout process. In practical terms, a FrameworkElement is almost always the child element of something else; even when you set the Height on Window. (For Window, that value is used when the underlying application model establishes the basic rendering assumptions that create the Hwnd that hosts the application.)

A solution that seems to work is to bind the WindowWidth property to MinWidth and MaxWidth, as well as Width. One of these will be retrieved, at least in the test scenario I was using above.

I had the same problem and I noticed that it depends whether height or width is written first in xaml. If height is first, then Binding work only for it and vice versa. The solution was to set Binding mode to 'TwoWay': The project I have made was with MS Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0