Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

You can use the -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true option

The answer above is a good working solution, but here's how to do it if you want to use the SSL repo:

  • Use a browser (I used IE) to go to
    • Click on lock icon and choose "View Certificate"
    • Go to the "Details" tab and choose "Save to File"
    • Choose type "Base 64 X.509 (.CER)" and save it somewhere
  • Now open a command prompt and type (use your own paths):

    keytool -import -file C:\temp\mavenCert.cer -keystore C:\temp\mavenKeystore

  • Now you can run the command again with the parameter\temp\mavenKeystore

  • Under linux use absolute path

    otherwise this will happen

  • Like this:

    mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false\temp\mavenKeystore


You can use the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable so you don't have to worry about it again. See more info on the MAVEN_OPTS variable here:

The fact is that your maven plugin try to connect to an https remote repository

This is a new SSL connectivity for Maven Central was made available in august, 2014 !

So please, can you verify that your settings.xml has the correct configuration.

    <!--make the profile active all the time -->
      <!--Override the repository (and pluginRepository) "central" from the
         Maven Super POM -->

You can alternatively use the simple http maven repository like this

      <name>Maven Plugin Repository</name>

Please let me know if my solution works ;)
