Problem loading custom template tags (Error: No module named x)

in, you should never name the project 'myproj' explicitely. In INSTALLED_APPS, just use 'myapp'. Also, you should have this :


And be sure to have an in the myapp folder as well as in templatetags.

Use shell then from myapp.templatetags import myapp_tags to find out if theres any python error in the file.

Also, be sure that file name doesnt conflicts with another folder/file in your project.

Hope this helps.

One thing that's tripped me up is that the magic importing of templatetags bypasses the automatic reloading of the development server. If the following works in shell

>>> from django.templatetags import myapp_tags

Then everything is actually working and you just need to reload the development server. If on the other hand you get an ImportError then something is wrong and you should check your INSTALLED_APPS, that you have an file in the templatetags directory and all the other things suggested in the other answers.

This will probably only apply to a tiny fraction of the people who experience template tag loading problems, but this is the second time I've arrived at this question in as many weeks and both times it's just taken restarting the development server to get things working.

Some reasons:

  1. due to error in templatetgs code.
  2. If you have used model import in templatetags

For #2, for example. If you are doing:

from your_app2.models import model

This will go wrong, so instead above, you should do

from your_project.your_app2.models import model

It worked me this way.